Successful Deal Negotiations: Who Should Be in the Room?

No matter the deal at hand—it might be an acquisition, partnership, or licensing agreement for a products—the art of negotiation plays a pivotal role in a successful outcome.

For the past 5 years, we at Sosna + Co have been at the forefront of deals, orchestrating negotiations for more than $250 million in deal value.

One resounding lesson from these experiences? It pays to have the right people in the room! 💰

Read on as we delve into the complexities of life science negotiations and explore the cast of characters that bring these high-stakes discussions to fruition.

The Power of Collaborative Negotiations

Negotiations in the life sciences are not merely transactions; they are intricate dance routines that require coordination, precision, and synergy.

The adage "it takes a village" couldn't be truer given the importance of science and technical perspectives involved in dealmaking.

While it might seem tempting to designate only a sole "captain" to steer the ship, the reality is that negotiations are multifaceted, and rely on diverse skills, knowledge, and experience.

The Cast of Characters

The Captain - Managing the Flow: Every negotiation needs a captain who guides the course of discussions. This individual maintains an acute sense of the overall objective while ensuring that the conversation doesn't veer off track. The captain is a master at maintaining the tempo of negotiations, addressing tensions, and fostering an atmosphere conducive to compromise.

The Manager - Strategic Mind: The manager in the negotiation room is the strategic architect. They assess the long-term implications of various decisions, envision possible outcomes, and chart a course that aligns with the organization's broader goals. This player has an eye on the bigger picture and guides the team toward making decisions that are not only advantageous in the present but also conducive to future growth.

Experts and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) - Fact-Focused Forces: In life science negotiations, including pharma, biotech, medical devices, and more, facts reign supreme. Experts and KOLs bring a depth of knowledge that is crucial in answering technical questions and providing irrefutable evidence to support claims. Their presence lends credibility to the negotiation process and empowers the team to make well-informed decisions grounded in scientific realities.

The Importance of Role Clarity and Expectations

In the high-stakes arena of life science negotiations, ambiguity is the enemy. Every member of the negotiation team must have a crystal-clear understanding of their role, responsibilities, and expected contributions.

For example, a KOL should know in advance when (and when not to) chime in or give extra detail than what is requested or needed. Communication ahead of time is key!

This clarity ensures a seamless exchange of information and prevents the unfortunate scenario of miscommunication derailing the negotiations.

Well-defined roles also help prevent redundancy, allowing each team member to leverage their strengths effectively.

A Sticky Situation: When Negotiations Go Awry

Even the most meticulously orchestrated negotiations can hit a snag. When expectations are muddled, roles are blurred, and communication falters, negotiations can quickly devolve into a sticky situation.

The bottom line is that everyone should be clear on their role, what they will say and not say, and be clear on expectations going in.


Having the right people in the negotiation room are the foundation upon which success is built. The captain, manager, experts, and KOLs form a dynamic ensemble that orchestrates intricate negotiations in the life sciences, regardless of the deal on the table.

Want to be prepared for your next deal negotiation?

Get in touch with us! Sosna + Co is a boutique, outsourced business development partner for the life sciences. From M&A advisory and licensing deals with Fortune 500 companies to uncovering the potential of savvy, new start-ups, the principal is simple: we work meticulously to uncover new opportunities that grow your business. Contact us today to learn more.

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